June 15, 2025
May 4, 2025
6,000,000 NOK
The objective of the prize is to increase awareness of the value of academic scholarship in the humanities, social sciences, law and theology.
Scholars holding positions at universities and other research institutions, including academies, are entitled to nominate candidates to the Holberg Prize.
Groups or organisations may not be nominated.; Self-nominations and posthumous nominations are not accepted.; Joint nominations do not strengthen a candidacy.
All nominations are submitted in the online nomination form and must include:
– A short statement of 1000-3000 characters (incl. spaces), explaining why the candidate dhould receive the Holberg Prize.
– The candidate’s CV and publication list.
– Names of three possible referees who know the candidate’s work and who can provide additional information if needed.
– Nominations are strictly confidential and should not be disclosed to the nominee or to others at any time.