Canadian Excellence Global Recognition

Canadian researchers are solving problems and improving the lives of Canadians and people around the world.
Evolutionary biologist recognized as world leader in study of rapid diversification of species
Crafoord Prize
Natural Sciences
Writing an ethnography of God with help from Guggenheim Fellowship
Guggenheim Fellowships
Social Sciences and Humanities
Computer scientist advances applications of geometry processing
Sloan Research Fellowships
Engineering and Technology
Astrophysicist investigates what would make super-Earths habitable
Guggenheim Fellowships
Engineering and Technology
Building on the known strengths of peer review, the external review of nominations for national and international prizes allows for constructive comments and feedback from experts in the field of study relevant to the award.
The Margolese National Brain Disorders Prize is awarded annually to a Canadian physician or scientist who makes outstand...
The prize honors a composer, performer, or musicologist who has made a distinguished contribution to the world of music....
Since 2007, the Weston Family Awards in Northern Research have provided unparalleled support to early career scientists...
Since the first award in 1990 the Volvo Environment Prize has become one of the scientific world’s most respected enviro...
The Crafoord Prize is one of the world's most prestigious science prizes awarded in mathematics and astronomy, geoscienc...
This award honours scientists and researchers worldwide who are recognized for having contributed significantly to the p...
To the greatest benefit to humankind since 1901. The Nobel Prize rewards science, humanism and peace efforts. This is on...
The purpose of The Welch Award in Chemistry is to foster and encourage basic chemical research and to recognize, in a su...
The Barer-Flood Prize is intended to recognize and support the research excellence of Canadian Senior-Career Investigato...