March 31, 2025
February 17, 2025
$200,000 USD
This global award recognizes the contributions of both a promising Early-Career Scientist and an outstanding Senior Scientist to biomedical science and is intended to support their commitment to innovative research.
Eligible Universities are listed here: ; Government or non-profit institutions or equivalent around the world.
Universities or research institutions that are distinct legal entities from the university/institution or medical center/school, both entities are each welcome to nominate up to two (2) candidates for consideration: one Early-Career Scientist and one Senior Scientist.
The following documents and information are required to submit a nomination:
– Nominee’s name, date of birth, title, and contact information.
– Nominator’s name, title, and contact information.
– Nominator’s Rationale for Nomination: Statement explaining why the nominee has been selected by the institution (200-word maximum, text).
– Nominee’s Curriculum Vitae (4-page maximum, PDF).
– Nominee’s Research Summary (1,000-word maximum, PDF).
– Nominee’s Future Research Plan (500-word maximum, PDF) [required of Early-Career Scientist nominees only].
– Full-text publications and/or patents representing the nominee’s work (up to 4 publications, PDF).
-Names and email addresses for two letter writers familiar with the nominee’s scientific contributions, who will provide Letters of Support and fill out a short questionnaire.
If an eligibility exception request has been pre-approved by the New York Academy of Sciences, the letter of approval provided to the nominator will be required to be uploaded with the other Nomination Materials at the time of nomination.
Early-career Scientist Senior Scientist
$200,000 USD each