January 31, 2026
December 20, 2025
11,000,000 SEK
To the greatest benefit to humankind since 1901. The Nobel Prize rewards science, humanism and peace efforts. This is one of the central concepts in the will of Alfred Nobel, and it also permeates the outreach activities that have been developed for the purpose of engaging, inspiring and spreading knowledge about the Nobel Prize as well as the discoveries and achievements of the laureates.
Each year, thousands of members of academies, university professors, scientists, previous Nobel Prize laureates and members of parliamentary assemblies and others, are asked to submit candidates for the Nobel Prizes for the coming year. These nominators are chosen in such a way that as many countries and universities as possible are represented over time.; Except for the Nobel Peace Prize, nomination is by invitation only and nominators must fulfil the criteria set out by the awarding institutions.
A Nobel Prize cannot be awarded posthumously.; A Nobel Prize can be shared by up to three individuals, or in the case of the peace prize, it can also be awarded to an organisation.
No person can nominate herself/himself for a Nobel Prize.
The names of the nominees cannot be revealed until 50 years later.
The nomination processes start in September each year.
After receiving all nominations, the Nobel Committees of the four prize awarding institutions are responsible for the selection of the candidates.
Literature Physics Peace Physiology or Medicine Chemistry Economic Sciences