June 30, 2025
May 19, 2025
€400,000 EUR
The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards seek to recognize and encourage world-class research and artistic creation, prizing contributions of lasting impact for their originality and theoretical significance. These international awards honour fundamental disciplinary or interdisciplinary advances across eight categories: Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics); Biology and Biomedicine; Information and Communication Technologies; Ecology and Conservation Biology; Climate Change; Economics, Finance and Management; Humanities and Social Sciences; and Music and Opera.
Self-nomination is not permitted. Any scientific or cultural organization or institution can submit nominations, following their own internal procedures. The BBVA Foundation may also invite nominations from researchers and cultural creators that have made outstanding contributions in their respective fields, establishing consultative or advisory panels to this end.
Nominating bodies may also propose individuals, organisations, projects or the like that have carried out exceptional work to promote reading for children and young adults. Awards may not be granted posthumously.
Any scientific or cultural organization or institution can submit nominations, following their own internal procedures. Among them:
– Scientific or artistic societies and organizations and National and regional academies of science or culture.
– Public or private R&D centers.
– University schools, departments or institutes and research or teaching institutes.
– Hospital departments and biomedical research centers.
– Schools of music.
– Orchestras, orchestra associations, opera theaters and opera associations.
– Public agencies and supranational, national or regional organizations substantially engaged in analysis and/or activities relating to climate change.
– Other scientific, cultural and environmental organizations.
Winners of the Nobel Prize in any of its categories are likewise eligible to nominate, as are past winners of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards.
The BBVA Foundation may also invite nominations from researchers and cultural creators that have made outstanding contributions in their respective fields, establishing consultative or advisory panels to this end.
The same organization, institution or individual nominator may put forward more than one candidate without limitation of number, but no candidate may be nominated in more than one award category.
Basic Sciences Biology and Biomedicine Information and Communication Technologies Ecology and Conservation Biology Climate Change Economics Finance and Management Humanities and Social Sciences Music and Opera
Diploma Commemorative artwork