November 28, 2025
October 17, 2025
$250,000 CAD
The NSERC Donna Strickland Prize for Societal Impact of Natural Sciences and Engineering Research is awarded annually to an individual or team whose outstanding research, conducted in Canada in the natural sciences and engineering (NSE), has led to exceptional benefits for Canadian society, environment and/or economy.
Eligible candidates may be nominated by any individual or group.; Self-nominations will not be accepted.
All researchers in the NSE, regardless of their career stage, can be nominated for this award for their research conducted in Canada.; In order to be nominated as an individual, you must hold an NSERC research grant.; In order to be nominated as a team, at least one of your team members must hold an NSERC research grant. The majority of your team members must be employed at a Canadian university, Canadian federal or provincial government lab, or private firm active in Canada.; The outstanding research that led to the exceptional benefits described in the nomination must have been supported, at least partially, by NSERC, and the research must be primarily in the NSE.; Current NSERC Council members are not eligible for nomination.
An individual or a team may be nominated for more than one NSERC prize (Herzberg, Polanyi, Brockhouse, Synergy, McDonald or Strickland) in the same year but can only receive one prize in a given year. Nominees may not receive more than one of the following prizes for the same achievement: Brockhouse, Polanyi, or Strickland.
Up to $250,000 CAD paid over 3 years