August 2, 2026
June 21, 2026
A medal
Innovative Product Award is presented every year to the company that has developed a drug product launched on the Canadian market and judged by the Jury to have made the most significant overall contribution to patient care in Canada in terms of efficacy, safety, benefits and innovation.
A drug, launched at least 12 months ago and no more than 60 months (5 years) ago, that has made the most significant overall contribution to patient care in Canada.; To be considered, the drug product must bear a Drug Identification Number (DIN).
– The product is considered a “break-through” rather than a derivative of an already existing agent.
– The product has made a most significant overall contribution to patient care in Canada in terms of efficacy, safety, benefits, and innovation.
– The product has a major impact on standards of care.
A framed written recognition